
Welcome to AS214312, your gateway to understanding the intricacies of the internet, BGP, and more. Created by an individual known as Speedmann, this autonomous system isn’t just a technical experiment—it’s a resource for anyone curious about how the internet truly works. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast eager to set up your own AS or simply interested in the inner workings of AS214312, you’re in the right place.

At its core, AS214312 is dedicated to solving the frustrating problem of IPv6 connectivity in the Netherlands, especially in an era where major ISPs still lag behind. This autonomous system was set up by Speedmann as a personal project to ensure a modern, robust internet experience, with a focus on learning and experimentation. While not offering public IPv6 connectivity, AS214312 serves as a hands-on example of how individuals can take control of their internet infrastructure, providing valuable insights for anyone interested in doing the same.

This site is designed for anyone looking to dive deeper into the world of autonomous systems. Whether you’re just starting or already have some knowledge, AS214312 offers a blend of technical insight and straightforward explanations to help you along your journey. Explore the resources, get inspired, and maybe even start your own AS adventure.